Martin and Associates

Tablets, “Pad Man” Thank You’s and Making You More Productive

Tablets, “Pad Man” Thank You’s and Making You More Productive

Thanks to Todd Szewc and Andrew Yarnall for helping me with presenting The Circuit’s “Pad Man” event.  (  The event was held at the Greater Cincinnati Health Foundation’s auditorium.  Much fun, jabs and debate were held over the hour.  Todd (CFO at Keysource Medical) represented the iPad.  Andrew (IT Director at Keysource Medical) represented Android tablets, and I represented the Microsoft Surface RT.

Andrew open up, and took the stage first.  Discussing the flexibility of the Andriod OS, the leading library of Apps to download, and the various form factors.

Todd was next with iPad, and all things Apple.  With Apple taking the lead in this market space in 2010, you can quickly see all the work and family uses that Todd has for his iPad.

I (Kevin) was next, and showcased the Microsoft Surface RT and Windows 8.  New to the market place,  showed all the smart items learned (like the kick stand and snap off keyboard) and the depth of having a Windows “PC” on a piece of glass (tablet).

All choices have great merit for work or play.

Interesting results from 2 polls.
2/3rds of the users had iPads or access to them by a show of hands at the start of the presentation
60% of the audience at the end of the presentation voted that the MS Surface won the “face off” of features and software.

Getting ready to buy a tablet this Christmas for work or play?  See my presentation deck from the OSCPA webinar.  Various tablets, operating systems, dataplans, apps, etc. are covered.  A good reference for you to use, and the link is below.

If questions – just reach out to me.  My contact information on the slide deck (behind the link)

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