Martin and Associates

Sage 100 2022.0 is Released!

Sage 100 2022.0 is Released!

Sage 100 2022.0 was released on Monday, April 18. 2022.

Highlights of the new version:

  • Sage Production Management has been improved, offering the features of our Work Order solution and so much more into a modern technology stack
  • Addition of Work Ticket Entry and Labor Entry features
  • New fully customizable Visual Process Flows
  • Sales Order and Quote History Inquiry visibility
  • Addition of Display All Sales Order Types in Item Maintenance
  • New Search for Quotes in Customer Maintenance feature
  • 64-bit Operating System addition; Sage Intelligence is now compatible with Sage 100 64-bit

Sage Production Management will continue to evolve as Sage makes product improvements. Future enhancements to Inventory Requirements Planning (IRP) will ensure compatibility with Production Management and additional large-scale feature improvements will help customers
pivot with ease amid unpredictable market conditions.

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