Martin and Associates

Payroll Tax Update for Sage100/MAS 90

Payroll Tax Update for Sage100/MAS 90

The State of Ohio has issued new withholding tax rates. These are available as a download/update from Sage(see below).

Please let us know if you would like assistance in downloading and installing these tables.

2014 Q3 Tax Table Updates

TTU changes for 2014 Q3 are posted below. Changes will be posted as they become available, so you can check here for additional changes. To download and install the TTU, please click on the link “Download the TTU” below. These updates may be used for supported versions.

View the list of Tax Table changes in the 2014 Q3 TTU (06/30/14). These changes will be made to your Sage 100 ERP tax tables when you download and install the TTU as instructed by the Download the TTU link below.

Sage 100 ERP TTU (Windows) – Download the TTU (06/30/14)

Information Release: June 23, 2014

Employer Withholding Tables – Revised Beginning July 1, 2014

This alert is to advise employers that the Ohio Department of Taxation has issued new employer withholding tables to be used for payrolls that end on or after July 1, 2014.

The new tables take into consideration the income tax rate reductions that went into effect when House Bill 483 was recently signed into law. The 1% reduction previously scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2015 is now in effect for 2014. Accordingly, the tables reflect a 1% reduction in the withholding rates that were previously in effect on September 1, 2013.  This reduction is to conform with the 10% decrease in individual income tax rates from those that were in effect for taxable year 2012.  The new tables are to be used for the remainder of the 2014 calendar year and for all of 2015.

The new withholding tables are posted on the Employer Withholding Tax Web page, which can be accessed by clicking here. The tables include the percentage method for calculating withholding as well as daily, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly and monthly tables.

If you have any questions regarding the new withholding tables, please contact us at 1-800-304-3211 or e-mail your question to us via our home page at

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