Martin and Associates

Important Sage 100 1099 Changes

Important Sage 100 1099 Changes

As you may be aware, there has been a significant change to 1099 filing this year, in the addition of 1099 NEC. The usual 1099 Misc form has also been slightly adjusted. The new 1099 NEC forms need to be filed with the IRS by 2/1/21.

Sage has created updates for Sage 100 that account for these changes, and they are included in the AP 1099 process. This update is available for versions 2018, 2019, and 2020. Older versions of Sage 100 are not getting this update, as those versions are not officially supported by Sage.

Unsure of your Sage 100 version? Log into Sage and go to Help-> About Sage 100.

If you are on 2018, 2019, or 2020 of Sage 100, you have 3 options:

  • Use the built in 1099 Aatrix integration
    • Make sure you are on a supported product update – valid product updates include:
      • 2018 – product update 9 or 10
      • 2019 – product update 3 or 4
      • 2020 – All product updates are supported
    • Install and run the NEC update utility
    • We are available to help install the product updates and NEC update utility.
    • If you do not have any code customizations or not many 3rd parties, the update should be straight-forward.
    • If you have multiple 3rd parties and customizations, this will have to be reviewed prior to updating to a supported product update
  • Manually import 1099 data into Aatrix
  • Manually fill out 1099 NEC

If you are on Sage 100 2017 or earlier, you have 3 options as well:

  • Upgrade to Sage 100 2018, 2019, 2020
    • A test upgrade is recommended
  • Manually import 1099 data into Aatrix
  • Manually fill out 1099 NEC

If you have questions, or need assistance, please reach out to your Martin & Associates’ Account Manager or email

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