Martin and Associates

Unable to Activate Aatrix in Sage 100 ERP; eFiling window show “Demo Mode”

Unable to Activate Aatrix in Sage 100 ERP; eFiling window show “Demo Mode”

If you are using eFiling for the first time this year, and are getting “demo mode” error in Aatrix, make sure you are using your current registration keys.

We have had quite a few clients who cannot get Aatrix out of the demo mode after correctly installing the IRD.  In all of these cases, the clients were using their old account number and registration keys. Your current information is located in the Sage Customer Portal. See below for step by step instructions for obtaining your current registration information.

To access your registration information on the Sage portal, please do the following:

  1. Log into the Customer Portal
  2. Click on Activation Code menu and select Details
  3. Select your applicable product from the drop down
  4. Located the line that shows the Application description for System Setup


  • Unlocking Key = User Key
  • Activation = Product Key

Once you obtain your registration information, please do the following to update your Sage 100 ERP registration Keys:

  1. Open Library MasterSetupSystem Configuartion
  2. On the Registration  tab, verify your registration information (Customer Number, User Key and Product Key) mataches exactly what shows on the portal. If it does not, client the Edit button.
  3. After entering the correct information, click the Activate button.
  4. Click on Ok to prompt “Activation was successful”
  5. Click Accept
  6. Try activating eFiling & Reporting again, from either Payroll, Period End, Feredal eFiling & Reporting or Accounts Payable, Reports, 1099 eFiling & Reporting

If you are still having issues with Aatrix after completing these steps, please call your Martin & Associates account rep or support at 513-772-7284

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