Martin and Associates

Configuring AP Checks for MICR Font in Acumatica 6.10 and above

Configuring AP Checks for MICR Font in Acumatica 6.10 and above

Acumatica can print the MICR line on a check form, but needs a little customization to do it.  This article expands on the article by Tim Rodman (  Please use that article as the main guide, and in this article I will reference the numbered steps and expand upon them as needed.

Start with Step 1 and download the MICR font (

Step 2: Install the font on whatever machine(s) will be used to modify the AP check form report, no matter if Acumatica is running on your local environment or hosted elsewhere.  This is because we are embedding the font into the report in a later step.  In testing, it has worked for both with a locally hosted system and with an Acumatica hosted system.

Prior to Step 4: We need to add some flexibility to the report so the MICR line can be included without being hardcoded on the report.  Fortunately, this is easy to setup in Acumatica!

  • Finance | Cash Management | Setup | Payment Methods
  • Open the CHECK Payment Method (or whatever payment method you use to process checks)
  • Select the “Require Remittance Information for Cash Account” checkbox
  • In the resulting Remittance Settings tab below, add a new line.
    • I use an id of MICR but you could use anything. Keep this; it will be used when modifying the report later.
    • Description = MICR Info or as desired
    • Everything else is empty

  • Save and Close that Payment Method. Do the same for any other Payment Methods as needed.

Now the Payment Method is setup to ask for Remittance Info.  Next update the Cash Account(s) with the info.

  • Finance | Cash Management | Work Area | Manage | Cash Accounts
  • Open each Cash Account that needs MICR info for printing checks
  • There will be a Remittance Settings tab where this info needs to be entered
  • In the left side of this tab, select the CHECK payment method
  • In the right side, the MICR Info should show. Enter something in the Value field.
    • I typically just enter the bank routing number and account number, with relevant MICR characters. We can create a separate field on the check report for the check number.
    • A common format is ARRRRRRRRRA #########C, where R is the routing number, and # is the bank account number. The As and C are the MICR characters as reviewed in Step 4 of the Tim Rodman article.
    • The value would look something like “A042000001A 123456789C”, without the quotes

  • Save and Close that Cash Account. Update others as necessary.

Now we move onto editing the AP Check form.

Step 4: Editing the AP Check form.  In my system, the form is AP641000, Check Form with Remittance.  Open this in Acumatica, and then click Edit Report to open it in the Acumatica Report Designer.

The report needs to have a table added to the schema, so the MICR line created above can be added to the report.

  • In the report, open File – Build Schema.
  • Hit the Load Schema button to load the tables.
  • Scroll down to the left side until the Cash* area, and select the CashAccountPaymentMethodDetail table, and add it to the right side of the grid.


  • The new table needs to be related to the other tables to pull the correct data. In this case, the CashAccountPaymentMethodDetail table needs to be related to the APPayment table

  • Next, the Filter needs to be adjusted so the MICR payment method detail is pulled in.
  • Filter tab.
  • Add a line so the DetailID Equal MICR (or whatever you made the ID above)

  • Ok or Apply out of the Schema Builder to save those settings.

Now the fields need to be set.  Two fields will be used in this example, one to set the check number, a second to set the other MICR info.

MICR Check Number Field:

  • Add a new Text field to the report in the appropriate area
  • Edit the formula to be: =Concat(‘C’,Trim([APPayment.ExtRefNbr]),’C’)
  • Then edit the Font details to use the MICR font downloaded and installed earlier. I also set the size to be 24px.

Other MICR Info Field:

  • Add a new Text field to the report, next to the MICR Check Number field just added.
  • Edit the value to be: =[CashAccountPaymentMethodDetail.DetailValue]
  • Edit the Font details as above.

Back to the Tim Rodman article, follow step 5.

Save the report, and also Save to Server to update the existing report.

All done!

If you have questions or need assistance configuring AP Checks for MICR Font in Acumatica, please contact your account rep or

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