BI Software Add-on Options for Acumatica
The modern business culture essentially insists on flexible and accessible technology platforms and procedures, with mobile apps also coming to market from more vendors as Exhibit A of the success
Be a savvy seller in 2016
What does it take to be a savvy seller in 2016? Be smart about social media; be open to apps; and offer your clients the best check out experience possible.
Dashboards for Non-Profits using Dynamics GP
Dashboards or data visualizations are charts, graphs, and scorecards, and you’ve probably utilized them at some point, if not regularly. This is likely due to dashboards being a top priority
Let’s be direct: If you sell to consumers, sales tax is an issue
Getting closer to the customer is no longer a retail-centric sales strategy. More manufacturers, suppliers and wholesalers are starting to sell direct to consumers (D2C). Motivations vary: brand awareness, customer
Professional Sports Team Financial Planning with Dynamics GP
We know that budgeting can be a tedious task in terms of logistically organizing and piecing together a plan, most likely because of a manual Excel process for budget managers.
For microbusinesses, sales tax can seem like no big deal (but it is)
Most businesses don’t start out big. Some of America’s most beloved companies—from Apple to Amazon — started out with an entrepreneur, a dream and a garage. But business is about
Acumatica Dashboards for Professional Services Organizations
Whether you refer to them as dashboards, data visualizations, graphs, charts, or scorecards, they’re ubiquitous. This is most likely because dashboards are the top priority regarding software investments that executives