Martin and Associates

Setting up EFT for Payables Management in Dynamics GP 2013 and Later – Part 2

Setting up EFT for Payables Management in Dynamics GP 2013 and Later – Part 2

This is Part 2 of 3 for Setting up Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for Accounts Payable/Payables Management in Dynamics GP 2013 and Later. Part 1 covers basic EFT setup. Part 3 covers processing an EFT Check Run

In this section, we will enable Word template Remittance Emailing.

Additional Vendor Setup to Enable Remittance Emailing

Reports | Template Configuration



Make sure Check Remittance Template is turned on under the Purchasing area.  Here you can also optionally upload an image to be used as a logo on the reports.

Next, under Reports | Template Maintenance, optionally edit the default Check Remittance Template.


I won’t get into the Word maintenance piece here, but this can be edited if you want to present other information to the Vendor.

Now that the Check Remittance Word Template has been setup, make sure email is enabled for the Purchasing Series.

Purchasing Page | Setup | E-mail Settings

You may be prompted for your email login info when you open this window.  Dynamics GP likes a MAPI-compliant email client installed in order to send out the emails (like Outlook).


In the Message ID, you can create a template that will be sent to the vendor.  An example:


This is a simple example, but covers the concept.

Now you can setup your ACH-enabled vendors with email.


Purchasing Page | Cards | Vendor

Again, this is done per address.  Click the blue Remit To link to open that Address ID.




Click on the globe icon next to the Address ID.  This will open the Internet Information window.


Enter the vendor email in the E-mail Address | To area.  Optionally enter additional addresses into the CC or BCC areas.  Dynamics GP reads this email address area when sending emails through GP.

Now setup the Vendor to receive remittance emails.  Back on the main Vendor Card, hit the Email button.


I prefer to email the remittances as a PDF rather than as DOCX (Word).  If you do not see PDF as an option, navigate to Tools | Setup | Company | E-mail Setup and enable PDF as an option.

Now your vendor is setup with email capabilities for AP EFT Remittances.


Part 3 will walk you though Processing an AP EFT Check Run.

View Part 1 for EFT Set up

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